Just Getting Started

What Is Expert Nutrition Advisor? 

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ENA is the first online video education service for Standard Process/MediHerb clinicians and their patients. It makes starting or expanding a nutritional component of your practice a simple, seven-step process. In no time at all, you can recommend Standard Process and MediHerb supplements with nothing more than the check of a box on your recommendation pad.  Simply ask your patients to watch our presentations and Dr. Michael Gaeta, your nutritional expert, will do the rest.

Dr. Richard Schmitt


Does Nutrition Make a Difference? 

The longer you are in practice, the more you will appreciate having this tool and the expertise to help every patient that comes to your office. Every healthy patient needs to supplement their diet, and when their health is failing, they need it even more. Patients are fortunate when they have a provider who can offer them the nutritional advice they need and want.


Begin with the End in Mind 

Our professional training or Nutritional Practice Expansion Program provides you with a seven-step process to bring nutrition to your practice and grow it into a robust service your patients will appreciate. Combine what you learn with one of our Patient Education Services and your practice will rise to a higher level while generating more patient referrals in the process.


     Let Michael Gaeta Explain For You

  • Never again explain the concepts and principles every patient must know about nutrition
  • We educate your patients about the supplements you recommend
  • Let us explain why everyone needs specific supplements to maintain their health
  • Let us answer, "What supplements does a health-conscious person take for optimum health?"
  • Recommend Dr Gaeta's protocols for more than 20 specific conditions, or choose your own
  • Let us teach your patients about the Lifestyle Changes that will speed their recovery
  • Start recommending “Every Patient Programs” to all of your patients and let Dr. Gaeta explain why
  • Use the Systems Survey Form to determine what areas to support, and let ENA do the explaining
  • We encourage patients to make referrals to your practice, and share videos with friends and family
  • Generate additional revenue providing more of the services your patients need and want
  • Develop a completely new stream of patients coming to you for nutritional solutions